SHORT COURSES: All short courses are scheduled for Monday, November 6, 2023. The courses are open to the public and will provide valuable information to anyone involved with or interested in the minerals industry.
MSHA REFRESHER COURSES: Surface and underground mining refresher courses are scheduled for Friday and Saturday, November 10 and 11, respectively, at the Downtown Marriott Hotel. All courses are open to the public.
Geochemical Data Analysis, Interpretation, and Practical Applications for the Mineral Industry
Short Course #1 Description:
Geochemistry is a critical tool in all stages of the exploration and development pipeline, from discovery to mine planning. This 1-day course will focus on understanding geochemical assay methods in the core shack and the commercial lab, designing a high-quality geochemical protocol tailored to solving a project’s specific needs, and developing efficient workflows to maximize the value and minimize the risks in a geochemical program. Common, industry-standard equipment and software (ioGAS, Leapfrog, among others) will be introduced and attendees are encouraged to bring their own data sets for experimentation. A Windows laptop is recommended to participate, but not required.
Rocky Barker, Imdex Limited
Geoff Burtner, Oriented Targeting Solutions
Nontechnical Geology and Mineral Resources of Alaska for Non-Geologists
Short Course #2 Description:
This short course is intended for people associated with the Alaska mining industry who do not have geology degrees but are interested in gaining a generalized geologic perspective on Alaska’s mineral resources. The geology of Alaska is a huge topic, and only broad overviews of key concepts can be covered in the time frame of a short course. The topics that will be covered include 1) basic rock types – sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic rocks, their characteristics, and how they are associated with types of mineral deposits, 2) Plate Tectonics and Alaska’s tectonic history, which provides the framework for mineralization, and 3) the major mineral systems in Alaska and the important mineral deposits they contain.
Sue Karl, U.S. Geological Survey
George Case, U.S. Geological Survey
Waters of the United States, (WOTUS), Wetlands, and Permitting for Mineral Projects in Alaska
Short Course #3 Description:
This short course will cover the evolution of Waters of the United States and how these apply to Alaska, and when and what types of permits are avaible for mining projects. Important topics addressed include jurisdiction, administration, and implementation. Permits in Alaska are designed to ensure compliance with federal (Section 404 of the Clean Water Act) and state (401 water quality certification) regulations. Policies, guidance, and conformance with these and other regulations, and which agencies administer and enforce these rules, will be explained.
Victor Ross, Stantec Environmental Services