2017 Fall Convention Presentations
Advanced Exploration
Data Innovations
Development and Mines Operations
A New Path Forward | Responding to Stakeholder Input and Demonstrating Benefits for All Alaskans
Woodgrove Flotation at the Greens Creek Mine: Justification, Installation and Commissioning
Installation and Utilization of Front Cameras to Optimize Flotation Performance
Engineering Alaska Mines
Personal Areal Drones… A big help to the small placer miner.
Improving Selective Flotation of Fine Sulfide Minerals Using ProFlote Magnets
Design and Construction of Tailings Back Dam Cut-off Wall at the Red Dog Mine, Alaska
Exploration Project Highlights
The Luna/Quicksilver Project: A new high-grade intrusion-related gold target in southwest Alaska
It’s all about the dirt | Icy Cape Gold and Industrial Heavy Minerals Project Update
Geoscience Investigations
Investment Opportunities
Investment in Alaska Mineral Assets | ANCSA / ANILCA and Other “Must Knows”
Successful Investment in Alaska Mineral Assets–Assessing Risk | Location, Location, Location