2016 Spring Convention Presentations
Arctic Geology & Environment
Modernization of Alaska’s Geospatial Framework
Bedrock Potential for Naturally Occurring Asbestos in Alaska
Earthquake Challenges & Opportunities in Alaska
Climate Drivers of Alaska River Ice Breakup: Understanding the Past, Predicting the Future
Wetlands Management
Arctic Resources
Petroleum-Related Applied Research at DGGS: Promoting Oil and Gas Investment in Alaska
GIS-Based Identification of Areas that have Mineral Potential in Northern Alaska
Heavy Mineral Concentration in a Marine Sediment Transport Conduit, Bering Strait, Alaska
Recent Advances in Exploration Geochemistry: Application in Arctic Terrains
New Exploration Models for Hardrock Platinum Group Elements in Ural-Alaska Igneous Complexes
Pogo: Ten Years of Mining
Pogo Mine Environmental, Two Decades of Prospecting, Planning, Permitting, and Performance
A New Training Opportunity for Mill Operators: A University-Industry Partnership
DGGS Improves Access to Sub-Regional and Regional Geophysical Data–Tintina Gold Belt Data Highlights
Arctic Permitting Challenges
The Current Status of Mitigation Requirements and Implications for Mining Projects
Ambler Road Permitting Status
Two Subarctic Region Mine Reclamations: Giant Mine and Tundra Miner, Northwest Territories, Canada
Design, Construction, and Operational Challenges for Dams in Alaska
Creating Opportunities Through Public-Private Partnerships
Placer Mining
Placer Mining in Alaska: Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable
Revegetation and Wildlife Standards for Upland and Floodplain Mine Reclamation
Turbidity Monitoring in Goldstream Creek, Alaska for Potential Total Maximum Daily Load Development
Introduction to Riparian Area Concepts and Stream-bank Restoration Techniques
Nome Offshore Dredging Overview
Heavy Minerals and Gold Potential at Ice Cape, Alaska
Arctic Engineering Innovations
Coastlines in Motion: High Resolution Digital Surface Models and Orthoimagery for Coastal Geohazard Mapping
Dalton Highway Aufies
Hydrokinetic Energy in Alaska
Resource Recovery in Mine Waste Effluent: A Means to Offset the Cost of Treatment. Case study: Copper Recovery Improves Water Quality of the Acidic Berkeley Pit Lake, Montana
Commercial UAS- Getting Off the Ground and What to Expect Once You’re There
Fort Knox- 20 Years and Counting
Fort Knox Update
Corporate Responsibility and the Benefit Footprint of Mining
Arctic Policy: Current & Future
Update on Mining Tax Issues
Alaska’s Fiscal Choices
Future of Arctic Research
State Arctic Policy
UAF Engineering and Geology Research
Qualifying Rare Earth Elements in Alaskan Coal
Mining Applications of Fodar
Unmanned Vehicles in Mine Rescue Operations and Training
Alaska’s New Field-Based Airborne Hyperspectral Imaging Facility Supporting Mineral Exploration and Mapping
Accessory and Rock Forming Minerals Monitoring the Evolution of the Ni-Cu-PGE Ultramafic Alpha Complex in the Eastern Alaska Range
Metallogeny and Origins of Cu-Rich Prospects In and Near Nikolai Greenstone, Central Alaska
Alaska Project Updates
Update of Greens Creek Operations
Donlin Gold Project Update
Graphite Creek Project Update
Shorty Creek: A Promising New Porphyry Project
Chuitna Coal Project
Update on the Usibelli Coal Mine