2015 Fall Convention Presentations
Geoscience Investigations
GIS-based Identification of Areas that have Mineral Potential in Alaska
USGS Geology and Mineral Occurrence Studies in the Western Alaska Range, Alaska
Geophysical and Geological Investigations of the Tanacross Region – 2015 Update
Exploration Project Highlights
Exploration Update on the Uncle Sam Gold Project, Fairbanks Mining District, Interior Alaska
Two Ages of Porphyry Copper Mineralization in the Slana Region
Alaskan Prospects Looking for a Little Love: Mineralized Alaska State Lands Available for Staking
Engineering Alaska Mines
Alaska Advanced Exploration Projects
Exploration Activities and Opportunities on Alaska Mental Health Trust Lands
Two Gold Deposits of the Stone Boy Project, Eastern Interior Alaska
Advancing the Upper Kobuk Mineral Projects toward a Pre-Feasibility Study, Northwest Alaska
Mining in Cold Regions
A Frozen Paleo Channel Gold Placer Deposit on an Alaskan Mountainside is Discovered and Explored
Dry Stack Tailings in Cold Regions: Opportunities and Constraints