2014 Fall Convention Videos
Geoscience Investigations
Cretaceous to Tertiary Magmatism and Associated Mineralization in the Lime Hills C-1 Quadrangle, Western AK: Karri Sicard
DGGS Airborne Geophysical Data, Applications, Insights, and Updates; Fall 2014: Abraham Emond
Alaska Hyperspectral Project — methods and preliminary results: Ray Kokaly
Western Wrangellia — Talkeetna Mountains C-4 Geologic Mapping: Evan Twelker
Alaska’s Tailings Dams
Tailings Dam Planning, Design, Construction, Operation, and Maintenance: Cecil Urlich
Dams at Mines in Alaska and the Alaska Dam Safety Program: David Schade
Corporate Perspective on Tailings Stewardship: Henri Letient
Operational Issues
Bingham Canyon Mine Geotechnical Monitoring Support–Manefay Slide: Cody Sutherlin
Measurement of Inflow to Underground Mines for Water Balance and Operational Mine Water Management: Larry Cope
Ground Support and Design at Greens Creek Mine: Alec Venechuk
Post Election Lunch Forum
Exploration Project Highlights
State of the State Address, Alaska Exploration: Curt Freeman
Results of a Trenching Program at the Honker High Grade Gold Prospect and Aeomagnetic/Geochemistry Surveys at Round Top Cu-Mo Deposit, Western Alaska:Kit Marrs
Mineral Potential on Sealaska Corporation Lands, Southeast Alaska: Steve Buckley
Gold Mineralization at the Victory Ridge Gold Property, Circle Mining District, Alaska: Dave Adams
Geology and Mineralization of the Frenchi prospect, Zarembo Island, SE Alaska: Mark Robinson
Geology and Mineralization of the Shorty Creek project, Livengood-Tolovana District: Kristina Walcott
Update on Graphite Creek project, Seward Peninsula: Dean Besserer
Lost River – A Major Fluorspar/Tin/Tungsten Project in Alaska: Steve Borell & Ron Sheardown
Mount Polley Update
Developing our Future Workforce
UA Mill Operator Program Grant: Rajive Ganguli
Thursday, November 6, 2014
National Mining Issues
Placer Mining
New BLM Instructional Memorandums: Matt Varner
Ballot Initiatives and Their Impact on Mining
Colorado–Ground Zero in National Energy and Mining Update: Tim Crowley
Oil Taxation Referendum: Kara Moriarty
AIDEA Infrastructure: Michael Catsi
Alaska Exploration and Permitting Projects
Ucore’s Bokan – Dotson Ridge Project, Prince of Wales Island, Southeastern Alaska: Ken Collison
Miranda Gold’s Willow Creek Project – Reviving an Important Historic District: Kenneth Cunningham
Genesis of the Peak Au-Cu Skarn Deposit, Eastern Interior, Alaska: Peter Illig
Advancing the Palmer Copper-Zinc-Silver-Gold Project, Southeast Alaska: Darwin Green
Issues Affecting Alaska’s Miners: Mine Rescue, Yukon, and Transboundary Coordination
Advances in Technology
Excellence in Grinding Mill Drive Design and Operation: Joshua Sobil
Status of Unmanned Aircraft Systems Used for Research in Alaska: Greg Foscue
UAV-Based Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy for Elemental Analysis of Minerals: Steve Rusak
Hybrid Airships– A Revolutionary Approach to Remote Transportation: Robert Boyd
Friday, November 7, 2014
Alaska Miners Association 75th Anniversary
ANSCA/ANILCA–Two Laws that Changed Alaskaland Forever: JP Tangen
AMA’s Role in the Fight to Preserve Opportunities for Miners from Federal Intrusions and a Shrinking Land Base: Duane Gibson
AMA Today and for the Next 75 Years: Deantha Crockett
The Future 25– What New Mineral Development Means for an Opening Arctic: Marie Greene
Red Dog Mine, 25th Anniversary
The Socioeconomic Impact of Red Dog Mine to Northwest Alaska: Ahpa Porter
AIDEA-Supporting the Mining Industry Through Innovative Financing-DMTS as a Case History: James Hemsath
Milling Advancements and Learnings at Red Dog Mine: Laura Kraus
Tailings and Water Managements at Red Dog Mine: Chad Novotny
Sustainability at Teck-Integrating into our Core Business Strategy: Wayne Hall