2022 Fall Convention Presentations
Geoscience Investigations
Mapping mineral systems to relate primary commodities to critical mineral prospectivity in Alaska
Graphite mineral potential in the United States: An Alaska perspective
Updates on DGGS geologic mapping efforts in eastern Interior Alaska
Exploration Project Highlights
Contango - Developing Alaska’s Next Gold Mines: Manh Choh and the Lucky Shot
Welcome to Valhalla – A New Focus for the Sun Deposit, Ambler Mining District, Alaska
Exploring for multi-million ounce gold discoveries in the world-class Fairbanks Gold Mining District
Drilling up Grinder - Icy Cape Gold and Industrial Heavy Minerals Project
Western Alaska Minerals: Waterpump Creek and Illinois Creek Drilling Update
Mining and the Environment
Rain, snow, and ice - Hydrogeology at the Palmer Project
Considering Permitting as part of Environmental Baseline Studies for Mineral Projects in Alaska
Alaska Advanced Exploration Projects
Golden Summit Project, Alaska – Continuing to Grow
ANCSA After 50 Years
ANCs @50+; Responsible mineral development and helping to solve the minerals crisis
Donlin Gold, celebrating 25-years of stakeholder and community engagement
Mines and Advanced Projects